Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema is a film festival dedicated to the burgeoning art form that is variously called Screendance, Dance Film, Dance for Camera, etc. Works in this form combine the aesthetics of dance – including spacing, movement, speed, position, and technical forms – with those of cinema – including framing, point-of-view, editing, focus, color, and more. Sans Souci endeavors to attract, educate, and entertain an audience for this form and to support the artists creating works by providing such audiences. To that end, we reach out to universities, colleges, art cinemas, and other venues to act as screening partners, bringing works from our library to your audiences.
We’ve been running our Screening Partner Program for 6+ years, and have seen it save departments a lot of money on guest artists, having us “in the house” for a weekend instead, and able to recoup more than what they paid us in ticket sales. Especially in support of online and hybrid education models, this may be one of the most valuable ways to connect university students with truly international, cutting-edge contemporary artists right now.
“Thank you for making this possible. The event was a great success from our end. So many of our students were inspired by the films – now everyone wants to do dance cinema…The talk back was awesome and the films were easy to find and view. It was a great event! Thank you for your work to make this possible. We are beyond grateful. It was an important event for our students.”
Nicole Predki / Professor and Co-Coordinator of Dance Program
Department of Theatre and Dance / Metropolitan State University of Denver
Screening partner for 2 years
“This year’s screening was great, as always! So glad we’ve continued this partnership for so many years. Next week I will be getting some response paper assignments from students…about some of the trends [in the dance films in the screening] and how our students experienced them. I’m also super happy and proud to be in collaboration with Sans Souci.”
Jeanine McCain / Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Theater and Dance / Ursinus College
Screening Partner for 5 years
“It went great! Thank you! It was the perfect length and everything went really smoothly. ‘Separate Sentences’ was a show-stopper!”
Kate Corby / Associate Professor and Chair
Dance Department / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Screening partner 1 for year
“The show was fabulous!!! Thank you so much for your help! We look forward to working together again soon!”
Rebecca A. Ferrell / Former Director
Flatlands Dance Film Festival at University of Illinois
Screening partner for 2 years
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