an installation at the Festival Internacional de Mujeres y Danza in Michoacán, Mexico
Sans Souci is teaming up with Festival Internacional de Mujeres y Danza (Fimudanza) for our first ever collaboration! The selected films (listed below) represent our 20th Anniversary, with works from women directors from our 20-year archive. The work of ten filmmakers from around the world includes numerous dance forms and film styles. Open to the public and offered for the Michoacán community, this installation will be looping throughout the festival.
Centro Cultural Clavijero (sala 10)
Nigromante 79, Centro Histórico
CP 58000 Morelia, Michoacán, México

Outside in
2011 / Sweden / 10 min
Introspectively filmed by an intrusive crew, Cecilia dances inside a forest inside a studio.

2013 / Israel / 2 min
Combining choreography with improvisation, a company of young dancers creates an atmosphere of “parental absence” in an abandoned building.

2006 / United States / 4 min
Bleu exposes the naked moving body as an art form, as post-it notes fly onto the dancer’s body to cover her up and comment on the politics of the heavy American workload. Surprise Ending.

2013 / Romania / 12 min
The camera bursts into the heart of the dance while the music copes with the cruelty and fever of everyday’s warfare.

2018 / France / 7 min
The rain falls like so many tears on a young woman dressed in a little black dress. We dive into her eyes as we dive into her soul drowned by sorrow. At the bottom of the water, the woman, lying on the floor, gently up and begins to dance.

Fall Off the Bone
2012 / United States / 4 min
Quirky and tense, this duet is filmed in the ashes of the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire.

Beautiful Illusion
2011 / United Kingdom / 4 min
The beauty of a ballerina in an art gallery is contrasted with threatening red lights, which indicate her pain in executing the movement.

Covert – (Encobertos)
2019 / Brazil / 6 min
Covert elaborates the idea of a “space between” in an approach that deals with the surface plane to unveil and enter the deep field of the screen. The video thus has the objective of discussing the kinesthetic involvement of the viewer, in which its focus of engagement is triggered by the dynamics between the distances and the movement of moving away and closer to the camera and the dancers. In this way, Covert experiences the flow between surface and screen depth as a field of perceptual and body passages.

2020 / Netherlands / 6 min
Exhale starts in shock, when a traumatic event makes you aware of your vulnerability. Your reality has been affected. Can you trust your senses? Exhale evokes reflection, letting go of your anger and overcoming the feeling of powerlessness. And ultimately regaining confidence in your own instincts and body.

Elon + Emmanuelle
2012 / United States / 7 min
Charmed dancers observe their own duet in a magical street art fantasy.